
Showing posts from September, 2005

Paris Hilton?

On another note to get more hits (even though as you can see on the counters, I flew by 10,000!!) someone said instead of "sex", "nude" etc, I should put things like Paris Hilton or Paris Hilton tape....but I would never do that. I have too much, really.......he, he, he.....

Almost there....

Shift almost over and as I type, our other unit is out on a car vs pedestrian call...which more often then not are not as bad as it sounds (eg pedestrian walked into a moving car,etc). Not this one...1 dead pedestrian....don't know the details, they're still at scene....and we just got back guessed automatic fire alarm at the nursing home...the 3rd of the shift, all faulty equipment.

Another 10,000!!!

Well my other hit counter is coming up on 10000 hits!!! Another grand prize of major appreciation for the 10000th visitor!!! And, assuming that the possibilty of no one ever reading this from now on doesn't exist, I'll be celebrating this momentous occasion at work!!!! I may just give an extra amp of dextrose to some lucky person out there! On a business note, 1 of our support team members conference called with me and one of my team leaders last night to strategize and give us some inside information on how Legacy got started. It was very interesting... As I thought about the business more, I really didn't want to go to work today..don't get me wrong, I still love my job but know I can't retire from it until I get a better level of income...residual income at that (that's where money comes in after the initial work is matter what you can even be on vacation!!). And while I'm at work, I feel that it's not right to talk to sick, hurt, or...

Speaking of Google...

So if I refer to Google Zeitgeist will I get more hits? It says it's "Search patterns, trends, and surprises according to Google".. Just curious....... Ok, maybe this is another ploy to get more hits like my earlier attempts at the words "sex", "breast", and "nude".... There I go Again...LOL

Google !!!!

There's Google search, Google talk, Google IM, now Google WiFi in our future!!! There's an investment club at the station and I told them Google should be their next purchase...but at $312 a share, they couldn't do it. So what do you think of the impending Google World? Since I have an internet based business, I figure the more internet exposure in general, the better!

Smokin' Elevator

So we go to the nursing home for a "routine" automatic fire alarm only to find an elevator transformer burning up and a person stuck in an elevator. No real danger for her but who wants to be stuck there? Anyway, as she walks out of the nursing home after opening the door, a lady comes out the front door where I was at, She asks" Is that what you opened the door with" pointing to the pike pole we use (a pole with a hook basically). I didn't know who she was thinking she was a bystander and said "Yep, that's our manual elevator door opener" and laughed....she swore at me and pushed by me. Hey, I would've been nicer if I new she was a former trapped elevator rider!!

Double my sleep!!!

So it didn't work out like I hoped but I did get twice as much sleep as last shift!!! That's 4 hours!!! WooooHooooo!!!! .........................Migraines (whose husband insisted on blowing stop signs with me while I used lights and I shut down the lights and the siren and went with normal traffic...too dangerous to let civilians run stop signs and lights with me), automatic fire alarms ..again.., and dizzy people..I mean they were really dizzy...not weird..... BTW how would I post without periods???...........................................................


I didn't realize I had my "comments on post" turned off.... .....................comment away!!! ... (unless you hurt my feelings) LOL and here's hoping I get a few more hours of sleep at the station tonight!!!!

Long night at the station

6 calls after midnight and just a whole lotta fun!!! We had falling down drunks almost home, bad accidents with unrestrained projectiles of people going through windows, automatic fire alarms with storm going through the area, and a whole lotta coffee!!!

Phone posts

The last 2 posts made were from my phone during the conference...but I sent then to the wrong I forwarded them tonight to the right spot from my phone (just to verify it was working). The thought was there though!! LOL Bruce Wilkinson , author of "The Dream Giver" and "The Prayer of Jabez" and many more bestsellers, was 1 of the speakers and was awesome!!! I can't believe some of the guest speakers Legacybusinessgroup comes up with along with people that are successful in the business also. Ron Ball was also there...just amazing...
-------- God says "Nothing that you can imagine to do will be impossible for you to do"
-------- Woohoo!!!! Bruce Wilkinson....more later

WooHoo!!! 10,000!!!

Well we made the 10,000 mark!! Thanks for all the visitors and comments over the last few months of very active blogging!!! lol... Working another 24 because 1 of our guys had an emegency appendectomy so they needed lat minute coverage so I offered to stay. 48 hours isn't too bad...unless you get busy of course!! And after 2 auto accidents and and automatic fire alarm, we've now settled a little..

...And 45 more visits..

Until the grand prize winner of the 10,000 visitor to my site!.. You know...the prize of extreme gratitude, etc.....

1 more shift and then...

...Conference in Cincinnati (I think... that's a long story). Also 1 in California but we opted for this since it's driveable...therefore cheaper... Anyway, I'll psot tomorrow and if I can, afterwards and at the conference (if I can find a Starbucks to use the internet). Or I'll try posting from my phone.

Up since 3a...

Had a few reason to go to bed now... We had a letter at the station from FEMA wanting 1000 2-man career firefighter teams to go to the hurricane-striken says you must be physically fit, "capable of living in austere, severe living conditions with minimal or no creature comforts for a period of at least 30 days", and basically bring everything you need that can be carried in a backpack. There's a screening process so I don't know how long it will be to get people deployed but am assuming that this is part of a long term solution. So far, no one at this station is doing this but Indiana also is calling out for similar teams for a 2 week period.

Moving In...

Moving my son, Ryan, in this weekend...another long story but very happy to have him. And 1 week until our Ohio conference...will keep everyone updated on that...I know...Yipeeee!!