Google !!!!

There's Google search, Google talk, Google IM, now Google WiFi in our future!!! There's an investment club at the station and I told them Google should be their next purchase...but at $312 a share, they couldn't do it. So what do you think of the impending Google World? Since I have an internet based business, I figure the more internet exposure in general, the better!


C. Hedges said…
$312 a share seems overpriced to me. Google will always be around, but I'm not sure if the stock can remain at or above where it is.

You should check out Spyders that investing in the whole S&P 500 for the investment club. It would provide diversification.

Deliberate Chaos
Random Chaos
Chuck said…
Google will eventually destroy the world.
Anonymous said…
Google is overhyped IMO. Counter-culture my ass. They're no different from Yahoo or even MS. Thanks, but google is just a search engine. Almost everything else (including gmail, excluding google groups) is done better by other companies.

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