Another 10,000!!!

Well my other hit counter is coming up on 10000 hits!!! Another grand prize of major appreciation for the 10000th visitor!!! And, assuming that the possibilty of no one ever reading this from now on doesn't exist, I'll be celebrating this momentous occasion at work!!!! I may just give an extra amp of dextrose to some lucky person out there!

On a business note, 1 of our support team members conference called with me and one of my team leaders last night to strategize and give us some inside information on how Legacy got started. It was very interesting...

As I thought about the business more, I really didn't want to go to work today..don't get me wrong, I still love my job but know I can't retire from it until I get a better level of income...residual income at that (that's where money comes in after the initial work is matter what you can even be on vacation!!). And while I'm at work, I feel that it's not right to talk to sick, hurt, or dying patients about the business!!! LOL... So if I was off today, I could share this with other people.

As a last point, (I know...finally)...all I want people to do is look at this business..if they don't want to do anything or dont' like it, thats' fine...not everyone wants to go to accidents and pick up parts either! But at least they are informed...and the ones that get started have a chance to better their lives...I know that sounds corny but it's true.. I've spent 27 years helping people I want to help them monetarily.......................

What do you have to lose......What if it really does work?


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