Smokin' Elevator

So we go to the nursing home for a "routine" automatic fire alarm only to find an elevator transformer burning up and a person stuck in an elevator. No real danger for her but who wants to be stuck there? Anyway, as she walks out of the nursing home after opening the door, a lady comes out the front door where I was at, She asks" Is that what you opened the door with" pointing to the pike pole we use (a pole with a hook basically). I didn't know who she was thinking she was a bystander and said "Yep, that's our manual elevator door opener" and laughed....she swore at me and pushed by me.

Hey, I would've been nicer if I new she was a former trapped elevator rider!!


Prahalathan said…
how rude huh?
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C. Hedges said…
Shows to go that people aren't appreciative. The world revolves around them and why didn't you get the elevator opened faster!

Too bad the fire department can't send out a bill like the ambulance or ER doctor. Maybe they'd appreciate the work you guys do if they were directly billed.

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