Paris Hilton?
On another note to get more hits (even though as you can see on the counters, I flew by 10,000!!) someone said instead of "sex", "nude" etc, I should put things like Paris Hilton or Paris Hilton tape....but I would never do that. I have too much, really.......he, he, he.....
I've had numerous hits based on one celebrity who just came out with a book recently. I wrote a fairly lengthy review of the book. One post had 27 hits in one day based on searches for that person's name and her book title. Another celebrity who was busted in Chicago not too long ago has been popping up in my stats.
It's amazing what people search for. The political stuff doesn't get as many hits as the celebrity posts.
So let's get even with Paris Hilton, Jenna Jameson and Pamela Anderson & Tommy Lee searches! LOL!