Phone posts
The last 2 posts made were from my phone during the conference...but I sent then to the wrong I forwarded them tonight to the right spot from my phone (just to verify it was working). The thought was there though!! LOL
Bruce Wilkinson , author of "The Dream Giver" and "The Prayer of Jabez" and many more bestsellers, was 1 of the speakers and was awesome!!! I can't believe some of the guest speakers Legacybusinessgroup comes up with along with people that are successful in the business also.
Ron Ball was also there...just amazing...
Bruce Wilkinson , author of "The Dream Giver" and "The Prayer of Jabez" and many more bestsellers, was 1 of the speakers and was awesome!!! I can't believe some of the guest speakers Legacybusinessgroup comes up with along with people that are successful in the business also.
Ron Ball was also there...just amazing...