
Showing posts from May, 2005

Quiet night..trying to make it the last hour....

Quiet night and quiet shift with only 3 calls all far. Hopefully I can make it throughout the rest of the 1 hour left on my 24. Going to take my youngest out for breakfast, Ben , and then go home. Tonight 1 of my parnters on the shift is having his gala 4th Annual Kick-off to Summer cookouts so we'll be there and may go out with friend on their sailboat on Lake Michigan tommorrow. So I'm off to have 1 of my no sugar, no carbs XS energy drinks (shameless plug for a product in my business).

Fire Dog

Fire Dog Originally uploaded by Brad's Stuff . Chicago had it's cows around the city to promote tourism, etc....we have the Bulldogs (the mascot of the local high school) in the city where I work. Here Is our Fire Dog in front of our station.

Another 24..only 12 hours to go for some of us

A little busy today...and everyone seems really sick. The last was an 86 year old lady, alert but with no blood pressure for no reason that we could figure. Later we found that she had a drug-induced hepatitis caused by Zocor somewhere in her life and now it was "her time". We got a pressure of 90/72 after IV fluids were given but the hospital couldn't keep the pressure and the patient was a DNR anyway (Do Not Resucitate..where the patient and/or the family states they want no extraordinary means to prolong the patient's life). Her only complaint was dizziness. But as things progressed, they sedated her to make her comfortable (and as the oxygen content lowered in her, she became more disoriented, pulling at her oxygen, etc. and sedation helped there too) and apparently she passed away peacefully in the ER. As a disclaimer, I'm only repeating what the staff and patient said about Zocor, which I believe is for high cholesterol. There are side effects to a lot of me...

Want to join my experiment? (insert evil laughter here)...

I've been playing around with Netbux and Pay-Pup...partly because my boys are doing Pay-Pup also. These are Google searches you do (or you can try other search engines) and they pay .02 for every search up to .80/day for Netbux and 1.00/day for Pay-Pup. Ther's a lot of forums, etc that say how great these are and at the same time that they are scams. You can also buy referrals (they will pay you 100% of your referrals pay up to 1 deep). I bought 4 and they seem to be working occasionally. Anyway... If you want to try it out (this is the experiment )(evil laughter continues), Sign up with the link in my's free and just takes a little time each day...or just use it as frequently as you normally would while searching the net.. In a month or 2 I'll report what happens....... (end evil laughter due to stomach pain)

Well that didn't work...

At about 3:10 AM we get a call for a diabetic with low blood sugar. Now these kind of calls are interesting and you feel like you really make a difference. Sugar is low and patient is usually lethargic or unconscious. You give dextrose through the IV and Poof!... the patient is conscious and signing a refusal of transport. But not this one.... Patient is still lethargic afterwards and you find that the patient has 2 months to live due to a brain tumor. This complicates a simple diabetic call and refusal, to say the least. Patient thinks wife is trying to kill him (please don't tell me that too) but find that tumor is on the part of the brain that affects emotions...or at least you hope that's the truth and the wife doesn't want the patient dead for insurance reasons etc. Maybe I've seen to many bad movies about this but we always have to think of the possiblities. More family came and everything seemed confirmed (as long as the family didn't want patient dead too.....

Thought I'd try to go to bed early...

Have had a few calls today...2 of which were ours (we have 2 ambulances and rotate calls..whether it's a medical or fire call). Both of ours were nursing home calls but none seemed to be too least IVs didn't have to be started. So now were not up for the next call so early bed sounded good.. I know it's only 9pm here but I need to take what I can get. Also I have 2 appointments for the business tommorrow.. a paramedic in an Illinois who is in already and going to help him get started. The other is someone interested in the business and am going to show her the business plan. So a beauty nap is what I need (I know you can't give an opinion without a picture posted but just imagine) so I can look somewhat professional!

More on the water rescue...

If you want to read the articles and see some pictures: The Times The Post

Water rescue...

Interesting day yesterday..a girl that works for a dental lab "blinks" (as she put it), drives off the road and into a small stream..that carried her and her car 200 feet and stopped in the middle of the stream. The call came in as "vehicle in the water, subject trapped, car filling with water" which tends to give you the old pucker factor enroute. Well, when we got there, there she was, sitting with her legs crossed, on top of the car, with 2 boxes next to her, not injured. After the accident, she saved the dentures she was delivering and put them on the roof before getting out herself! Now that's dedication!! Our dive team got her out of the stream (it was moving a little fast but was only waist deep).

Almost made it...

It was about 6:45 AM and just finishing dishes, etc at work when we got a call (at least we slept all night)..(our shift ends at 7:20AM). Anyway... the call came in as a man fell off a steel beam (presumably on the ground) and fell cutting his leg. Well, it was close...a 3 1/2 ton steel beam fell off a forklift and fell on a guys ankle....It was obviously broke but a little nitrous and a little morphine made him relatively least made him forget about it for a bit. Well today I go to 1 of the people in my business and we call people on her list to see if they're interested. This is pretty much the heart of the to people, see if they're interested, make an appointment for about 20 minutes if they are, see if they want more info or want to register, do it all over again... It's a nice change from helping people that are sick and injured to helping people who are financially ailing...

Nothing exciting..

Off to bed after watching Electra..the movie...and yes, we get to watch TV, etc while on duty as long as we get our things done around the station and of course, as long as no one calls 911!!! We are up for the next fire or ambulance call so I'll let you know what tomorrow brings...

A great night...

The Seminar was great last night...especially since we got to host our own support team. This is an amazing business... they fly out on their own money just to come and help us out...of course they don't make money unless they help us make money...but that's why this thing works. Ok...1 more day off and 24 tomorrow....what exciting thrills and spills will that bring???? Stay tuned!!!

...and 3 more...

It's about 6:30 am and we've had 3 more calls since the last time I posted.. maybe I can nap at home before haveing to leave for our meeting...yeah, right. I always say that after a night like this but I get caught up in things at home and then it's time to go..I'm sure there are a few of you out there just like me...sorry about

The business grows again...

Well today I went to Illinois and signed up 2 paramedics in the business. They were very excited about it all since they'll be in together to help each other as well as me helping them. The part I love about the business is there's no pressure to buy anything, no pressure to do anything if you don't want. But like any business, you don't grow without volume. Since you're only changing your buying habits to buy from yourself instead of someone else's store, you don't have to put any extra money out... no inventory, etc. And the controversy about audios and books in the system (you can read the post here).. none of this is required... but would you go to college and not buy books (by the way, someone is making money on those books at college)? This is our education system and I love it. It has helped my and my wife in our current jobs also...Ok.. I need to make then less long-winded ...who wants to read all this stuff I type!!! lol

...Long Morning...

...So I get off work, go to get a haircut and the power goes out due to storms in our area...before I got in the chair...phew! Then my pager goes off (we're fulltime firefighter /paramedics and volunteers when off duty) for a lightning strike a few blocks away. I step out and sure enough, smoke is coming from a roof down the street. I get to the station, get on our tower and by the time I put my airpak on, we're there...but at another house a few blocks away that got hit also at the same time! We take care of that one and then go to the other fire that has a little more extensive damage but is fairly under control. By the time I'm done, the barber shop is still without electric, I still have longer hair then I'd like, my back hurts from carrying stuff tto an from the roof, and I go home and poof!... i'm blogging! I should be taking some type of pain meds and go to bed ...but nooooo, not me, being the computer techno-nerd that I am!

Going to bed....hope to sleep all night

Well other then 3 ambulance and 2 fire calls back to back to back...etc... at around noon, the shift has been pretty quiet. In another matter, I just got a call from our support team in Maryland for the internet business we have... We're hosting them this weekend as they are the guest speakers at our meeting in Chicago (actually Morris, IL). Always looking forward to being with them and getting mentored on the business (they earn a 6 figure income with the business) ... The great thing about this MLM is that there is a lot of personal support... we get support team members from New Mexico, Washington, Maryland. It's Great!!!.... Ok..I'm rambling...will try to post more tomorrow.

Off to Work...Woohoo!!!!!....

Ok I'm off to the station (I'm a firefighter /paramedic).... relatively slow station averaging about 6 calls per 24 hour shift including fire calls...but I guess that's why I've lasted 26 years there(!). And the other reason I have my site.... I WILL retire doing that!!! Any way...if anything exciting happens, I'll try to blog it at work...

Not a perfect experiment...

Well the "sex" thing wasn't perfect because I signed up for several blog traffic sites on the same day...and my hits have gone up a lot!!!. Now if only someone would comment on my stuff....ok, beggars can't be choosers!! ...Maybe if I put in such things as breast and nipple and, I won't do that.. he,he,he

If I put the word Sex in.....

I wondered if I put the word "sex" in my blog somewhere, would I get more hits? So this is a cheap experiment....It may work since you get those goofy emails with all the words smashed together just to hit the search engines, for example... no, I won't go that low and try it.Ok...get ready....set....Go.........

Blogger mobile...

Just played with it...very cool... you can lik to your own blog or start one just for mobile use....Try it!!... and no, I'm not making money off this posting!!!!

Another way to make money...

I feel like I'm the only one posting.... oh... I am... any way try this link: I don't have enough money to get payed yet but it pays you to surf google and other search engines...... Brad