...Long Morning...

...So I get off work, go to get a haircut and the power goes out due to storms in our area...before I got in the chair...phew! Then my pager goes off (we're fulltime firefighter /paramedics and volunteers when off duty) for a lightning strike a few blocks away. I step out and sure enough, smoke is coming from a roof down the street. I get to the station, get on our tower and by the time I put my airpak on, we're there...but at another house a few blocks away that got hit also at the same time! We take care of that one and then go to the other fire that has a little more extensive damage but is fairly under control. By the time I'm done, the barber shop is still without electric, I still have longer hair then I'd like, my back hurts from carrying stuff tto an from the roof, and I go home and poof!... i'm blogging! I should be taking some type of pain meds and go to bed ...but nooooo, not me, being the computer techno-nerd that I am!


Bill said…
You are a busy person.
freaker126 said…
I got tired just reading your blog!
Katy said…
Thank god the power went out BEFORE they started on your hair and not during;)

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