The business grows again...
Well today I went to Illinois and signed up 2 paramedics in the business. They were very excited about it all since they'll be in together to help each other as well as me helping them. The part I love about the business is there's no pressure to buy anything, no pressure to do anything if you don't want. But like any business, you don't grow without volume. Since you're only changing your buying habits to buy from yourself instead of someone else's store, you don't have to put any extra money out... no inventory, etc. And the controversy about audios and books in the system (you can read the post here).. none of this is required... but would you go to college and not buy books (by the way, someone is making money on those books at college)? This is our education system and I love it. It has helped my and my wife in our current jobs also...Ok.. I need to make then less long-winded ...who wants to read all this stuff I type!!! lol