Another 24..only 12 hours to go for some of us
A little busy today...and everyone seems really sick. The last was an 86 year old lady, alert but with no blood pressure for no reason that we could figure. Later we found that she had a drug-induced hepatitis caused by Zocor somewhere in her life and now it was "her time". We got a pressure of 90/72 after IV fluids were given but the hospital couldn't keep the pressure and the patient was a DNR anyway (Do Not Resucitate..where the patient and/or the family states they want no extraordinary means to prolong the patient's life). Her only complaint was dizziness. But as things progressed, they sedated her to make her comfortable (and as the oxygen content lowered in her, she became more disoriented, pulling at her oxygen, etc. and sedation helped there too) and apparently she passed away peacefully in the ER.
As a disclaimer, I'm only repeating what the staff and patient said about Zocor, which I believe is for high cholesterol. There are side effects to a lot of medications but the benefit usually outweighs the risks. Not to promote my nutritional line, but if supplements can take care of problems that medications normally do, I'm all for it. Of course I love our Nutrilite line of products but any good grade supplements are great as long as they're pharmaceutical grade, etc.
As a disclaimer, I'm only repeating what the staff and patient said about Zocor, which I believe is for high cholesterol. There are side effects to a lot of medications but the benefit usually outweighs the risks. Not to promote my nutritional line, but if supplements can take care of problems that medications normally do, I'm all for it. Of course I love our Nutrilite line of products but any good grade supplements are great as long as they're pharmaceutical grade, etc.
I am 55 years old. Have been on Zocor for 4 years now. Zocor did lower my cholesterol. I also have RA and did not know which caused pain stopped Zocor, pain improved dramatically, but weakness remains. Dr says permanent damage. Now I my cholesterol is high.
I have experienced some of these side effects -
Leg pain and weakness
I hope this information will be useful to others,
Todd Thomas