Working off duty too...
...So my niece pounds on our door at midnight saying a friend they were following crashed his motorcycle about 200 feet down the road. My wife and I went to him where he was sitting in the road complaining about a sore ankle. He had a small cut to his heel and that was it! He was really lucky...while driving about 70 MPH down a country road on a large Harley Davidson, this guy hits (and kills) a deer that ran out in front of him, loses control (duh) and crashes in the ditch about 200 feet away from the collision..and has a small cut to his foot...It never stops amazing me on how people do and don't get hurt in various accidents.
And now, in the sweltering heat, I'm getting paid to do the same thing!!! LOL
And now, in the sweltering heat, I'm getting paid to do the same thing!!! LOL