Well...not Too boring, I guess....
Six calls before 12p....We thought the guy jammed behind the bathroom door was dead. With the help of the police, we pried the door jam off, opened the door backwards (out), and got to the patient. Patient was just recovering from a seizure and was fine. Then we go to an unconscious patient and find a combative diabetic with too little sugar in his system. In his stupor, he poured syrup on the table and rubbed his hand in it to lick it off his hands (his sugar was only 28 - normal is 80-120)..he was on the right track...he needed sugar....but now he's kinda slippery to fight with...and he did fight with us He proceeded to throw 3 of us around like we were rag dolls. When fire arrived, we took him down to the ground and gave him sugar in his vein...poof!...he's all better and wants to eat. Now he sits down to finish his breakfast before we take him in. Fianlly we go to another diabetic that is out of it with a sugar of 35...after dexrose was given in the IV, poof!..she's be...