
Showing posts from July, 2005

Well...not Too boring, I guess....

Six calls before 12p....We thought the guy jammed behind the bathroom door was dead. With the help of the police, we pried the door jam off, opened the door backwards (out), and got to the patient. Patient was just recovering from a seizure and was fine. Then we go to an unconscious patient and find a combative diabetic with too little sugar in his system. In his stupor, he poured syrup on the table and rubbed his hand in it to lick it off his hands (his sugar was only 28 - normal is 80-120)..he was on the right track...he needed sugar....but now he's kinda slippery to fight with...and he did fight with us He proceeded to throw 3 of us around like we were rag dolls. When fire arrived, we took him down to the ground and gave him sugar in his vein...poof!...he's all better and wants to eat. Now he sits down to finish his breakfast before we take him in. Fianlly we go to another diabetic that is out of it with a sugar of 35...after dexrose was given in the IV, poof!..she's be...

I guess my life is a little boring at times...

Nothing new in the past few days. Our hot shift consisted of 6 grass fires that lasted about 2 minutes each. We did have a woman that was found unconscious with her top burner of her oven on without a flame...she had been drinking and there wasn't much gas in the house even though we didn't know at first if that was the problem. So that's been it..I guess boring is good at times..

Nothing least not like the other Day With The Goats...

Last 2 shifts were fairly uneventful. And other then normal things at home, and a product demo for the business that we had, nothing exciting has been going on off-duty. We do have to decide if we're going to conference in California (more fun but more money for airline tickets, car rental) or Ohio. All of our support team will be in California but Ohio is driveable and more of our group can go. I did find a cool little app ...Bitty Browser..I just strated to play with it...let me know what you think and play around with it..and join my network if you want..( no, not a money-making scheme!!). It's down the page on the right................. to a routine Dr's appointment and lunch with my boy Ben....

Goat Blood and Killer Dog (almost)...

Well that title got your attention...but seriously, yesterday my sister-in-law called and asked if I could help cut her goat's horns off (my niece shows the goats at the county fair and horns aren't allowed). Apparently this is a painless but bloody procedure. Then the stub is cauterized with a hot iron device. Well the 1 horn kept shooting a stream of blood out and took several minutes to finally get it to stop. Meanwhile, the 180lb Mastiff is playing with my nephews hunting dog (about 70lbs) when the Mastiff goes wacko and clamps on the throat of the hunting dog. The Mastiff won't let go even after kicking and hitting him on his back with a 2x4!!! Finally, after my nephew opened the Mastiff's jaw like a lion tamer, and after my sister-in-law got bit by the hunting dog, the Mastiff just walked away leaving the hunting dog ok except for the stitches needed for his this throat. I don't think the Mastiff will be around much longer... Working 24 today and will let you ...

Pergola pic..

For those that don't know, here's a picture of a pergola (oh yeah..and with the right spelling)....Not my pergola picture though...darn.....

A Purgola??

I didn't know what it was until I built one. But thanks to the Internet, I found it and built itin about 2 days. I'm not the handiest guy in the world but it looks like it won't fall!!! Seminar was great ..I helped with the sound backstage. One of the groups in Iowa is exploding...signed up 90 people in 2 months!! Not all will do the business but that is still pretty impressive. Especially when no one gets money for just signing people up. Of course like any business, volume has to go through the business for anyone to make money. But another great aspect of the business is there are no minimum purchases. You don't want to buy anything, you're not penalized... you just aren't going to make money in the long run.

London Blasts...

Well with my 10 calls in the shift, including drunks and elderly falls, I am not about to comment on my day in light of the London bombings. I'm not a vengeful person but something has to be done. I wish I knew what..Our prayers go out to the friends and familes of the victims injured or killed...and for those psychologically effected.

Great concert!!

Yes the Mellencamp concert was great and so was John Fogerty!! ...And my 4th of July half shift has resulted in 8 calls, 4 for my rig....including a trouble breathing patient that was unconscious and had a very low pulse ox (instrument used to measure amount of oxygen in the system...perfect is 100%).. hers was 60% and going down...After intubation, pulse ox went to 100%. She was still unconscious but now at least she wasn't blue!!! And on the business line, 1 of the guys on my shift just signed up because he likes the products....things are progressing well.....