Friday, July 15, 2005

Goat Blood and Killer Dog (almost)...

Well that title got your attention...but seriously, yesterday my sister-in-law called and asked if I could help cut her goat's horns off (my niece shows the goats at the county fair and horns aren't allowed). Apparently this is a painless but bloody procedure. Then the stub is cauterized with a hot iron device. Well the 1 horn kept shooting a stream of blood out and took several minutes to finally get it to stop. Meanwhile, the 180lb Mastiff is playing with my nephews hunting dog (about 70lbs) when the Mastiff goes wacko and clamps on the throat of the hunting dog. The Mastiff won't let go even after kicking and hitting him on his back with a 2x4!!! Finally, after my nephew opened the Mastiff's jaw like a lion tamer, and after my sister-in-law got bit by the hunting dog, the Mastiff just walked away leaving the hunting dog ok except for the stitches needed for his this throat.

I don't think the Mastiff will be around much longer...

Working 24 today and will let you know the thrills and spills that occur today.


Wildefrost said...

Wow, that's pretty scary. I got bit in the face by a german shepard mix back in January. It's pretty frightening to see a dog attack, especially when he is in the process of ripping a hole in your cheek.

C. Hedges said...

I've heard people say that once a dog bites, it's time to get a new dog.

I never realized that goat horns could be trimmed. I also never realized that trimming them would be messy.

Deliberate Chaos