Realm of Empires!!!!!! A great game on Facebook!!!

Ok...apparently this is my annual (lol) blog posting. This time it's about another game on Facebook, Realm of Empires. I forget the type of game it is (something like MMORTG or something). Anyway, I started because my son got me interested in it...apparently I'm easily persuaded to play games.

Anyway I had originally told him I didn't really have the time or energy to devote to another game. However, I succumbed and tried it...and glad I did!!!

I'm in Realm 3 as Firemed, clan of United Lords in case there are any potential joiners out there!! And the 1st thing I noticed was that the game was designed to play on average 15 minutes or less a day....and turned out to be true!

The other interesting thing about the game was the friendliness. Twice I went to acquire an abandoned village, got there 1st but later got wiped out due to incoming troops that were coincidentally sent right behind mine. In both cases, after proving what happened, they either gave me the village or payed me tons for my troubles!! lol...

It sounds like there is an occasional dispute that the clans with alliances go after, but this is few and far between.

Anyway, I hope this rambling made sense....and welcome to all the blog viewers that think this was a new blog....apparently I'm still just a lazy blogger.

Let me know if anyone wants  more info.


Unknown said…
Your SOoo RIGHT!! I LOVE RoE! Glad we just started up our OWN CLAN in R6!!!

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