Stupid Facebook Mafia game!!! one of the guys I work with asked me to join the Mafia game on Facebook, saying that I "didn't have to play, I just get more points...bit it is addicting". So I joined and wow!!!! It's a good thing I'm off work!! I check my stats hourly, see who is attacking me, robbing revenge. A very relaxing game...he,he,he.

Anyway I just ordered a Dell Studio XP 13...It's the first new laptop I've bought in 9 years so I did go a bit overboard. Of course my wife asked..."So you need a laptop...why?" She just doesn't understand...I will use it to demo my products, and...ummmm...check email.....and...ummm................ok,ok...check my Mafia stats on the road!!!!!

Also we are helping with a breast cancer fundraiser locally. This will take place at Bozley's (who has great opne jam sessions on Sundays) on I65 and US10 the end of the month....Details to follow soon. I know it's a longshot because thre are so many great causes out there...but if anyone wants info on how to donate, let me know..Thanks in advance.


Anonymous said…
hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
Indeed, so many are going crazy over that game. I am not an exception either. It is so fun to play.

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