
Showing posts from March, 2009

Stupid Facebook Mafia game!!! one of the guys I work with asked me to join the Mafia game on Facebook, saying that I "didn't have to play, I just get more points...bit it is addicting". So I joined and wow!!!! It's a good thing I'm off work!! I check my stats hourly, see who is attacking me, robbing revenge. A very relaxing game...he,he,he. Anyway I just ordered a Dell Studio XP 13 ...It's the first new laptop I've bought in 9 years so I did go a bit overboard. Of course my wife asked..."So you need a laptop...why?" She just doesn't understand...I will use it to demo my products, and...ummmm...check email.....and...ummm................ok,ok...check my Mafia stats on the road!!!!! Also we are helping with a breast cancer fundraiser locally. This will take place at Bozley's (who has great opne jam sessions on Sundays) on I65 and US10 the end of the month....Details to follow soon. I know it's a longshot because thre are so many great causes out ther...

Healing quickly ..

So it looks like my shoulder therapy is going well....due to the new product I'm on? Time will tell. I've also updated some links on the page...let me know what you think... I know there isn't much info today but better then 6 months without a post...(and no smart comments out there like "Hmm....this is better then 6 months without a post?"... I can hear all of you!!! Kindle 2 is great!!! Playing stupid Mafia war on Facebook...I have to get out more!!!

Nothing about what I said I'd post...

So at a later date, I will post something about all the stuff I said last time...probably...anyway..I did get a new Kindle 2 and love it...well I got it for my wife but use it when she's not out of town.... I signed up for an MLM...I'm not quite ready to do it as a business but I love the product...So I will do it the way they tell you not to...casually, like a hobby. I love the MLM concept..I'm just not that good at it yet. I do know this makes you more money quicker then my last (Amway/Quixtar) MLM. And there's less to know....basically just 1 product. All I can say is it is a nutritional drink...any more info and you can comment...Don't worry..I won't try to "sell" you something..just let you know my take on this business. I can say this has been giving me so much more energy, I need to NOT take it close to bed time...I'm wide awake!!! (and no, there's no ephedrine or caffeine or other stimulants in the drink..just natural antioxidants from ...