
Showing posts from 2010

New weather station....'s been like a million years since posting but this will be short and sweet....I have a new weather staion that you should soon be able to see on this site....stand-by.......(I know...can't wait, huh....)

The battle continues.....

This is a very interesting realm We're in...our clan has grown to 59 but there are sporadic unprovoked attacks to our clansmen...many of which are too far for us to help out. So finding out that Allies can help.....So more soon.....if anyone out there ...and BTW...if there are any players out there, let me know.....thanks!!!

RoE continues... the journey  Realm of Empires  I've started another realm and we started our own clan! I know that may not mean much but it's like starting your own business. It also relies on an incident command system as used in the fire service (and business and the military). What???? I'll explain briefly...both of my sons and myself are leaders in this clan (since we started it) and now that part of the game requires organization, assignment of responsibilities, etc. It sounds complicated but is a lot of fun! As one of my sons said..It's like having a family business!!.... He also stated it's a cool way to bond with his dad and brother...we chat, email,strategize, etc all the time. Now no one has to get this involved but this aspect of the game turns out to be a lot of fun!!! And if you want to sart the game, go to  Realm of Empires , go to realm 6 and join the clan Peace Keepers. Or if you want, Realm 3's clan I'm in is Unit...

Realm of Empires!!!!!! A great game on Facebook!!!

Ok...apparently this is my annual (lol) blog posting. This time it's about another game on Facebook, Realm of Empires . I forget the type of game it is (something like MMORTG or something). Anyway, I started because my son got me interested in it...apparently I'm easily persuaded to play games. Anyway I had originally told him I didn't really have the time or energy to devote to another game. However, I succumbed and tried it...and glad I did!!! I'm in Realm 3 as Firemed, clan of United Lords in case there are any potential joiners out there!! And the 1st thing I noticed was that the game was designed to play on average 15 minutes or less a day....and turned out to be true! The other interesting thing about the game was the friendliness. Twice I went to acquire an abandoned village, got there 1st but later got wiped out due to incoming troops that were coincidentally sent right behind mine. In both cases, after proving what happened, they ei...