The Election countdown....
So the primary is approaching and Gayle VanSesson is our choice at the fire department. Not to mention Mark Schweitzer for council, one of our own firefighters . If we don't get the current mayor out, we're in for a long hard ride (see previous posts about our chief quitting because the mayor did not like what was posted on our sign in front of the station...honoring those who died on 9/11!). And if I get enough comments, I'll post some of the things the mayor has done so far to let you, the reader, decide if waht he is doing is in the best interest of the city.
In the meantime, go to this YouTube link to see 1 of our music videos on a typical day at or fire department....produced totally by some of our firefighters:
Crown point Music Video 2006
In the meantime, go to this YouTube link to see 1 of our music videos on a typical day at or fire department....produced totally by some of our firefighters:
Crown point Music Video 2006