
Showing posts from 2007

You have to see this!

Sooooo...I've tried dirty, low down tricks before to get readers...let's see if this improves it at all..... ...

S,D and R&R

So what the heck...let's get controversial...kinda... Sex, Drugs, Rock and Roll...I like 2 of the 3 and I'm not telling which 2......though you can probably guess 1....he,he. What's everyone's feelings on the state of all of the above? No one cares? Attitudes have eased. People becoming more religious? Babling, am I? YES! ...Just getting a feel on these topics. So until the election in a couple of weeks to see who is going to be our new mayor....oh yeah .... and all the other elections...he,he...let me know!!!


...So I added a widget on the site for discounted I make money if you buy something? Well duh!!! But you can too...just check on the info in the widget. So did I gloss over that I haven't posted for a (long) while? If I had any dedicated readers I'm sure they're bored with waiting for my exciting prose. Well...the only the mayoral elections are coming up. Who do we want? I would like to see Gayle in but either candidate would be just fine...compared to what we had! Ok..enough excitement for you, huh....Hopefully I'll be posting a bit more frequently...but don't hold your collective breaths!!!

I'm back...kinda

No, I'm not dead....just lazy busy....yes, that's it....busy. Anyway, I'm going to a conference in Michigan this weekend and, as always, am looking forward to the information and meeting up with my mentors and team mates. The status at the fire department is about the worse though, which is a good thing. ...And our softball team ruined it's perfect record of 0-34 and won the last 2 out of 4 games.... WOOHOO!!!!!!!!


Loved Bejeweled2 from for a long time..I have a palm and is the only game I use. They have like a zillion other games for a lot of platforms...check it out!!! Is this a shameless ad-like post for some type of gain? Well, yes it is (I gather points that go towards discounts on software) but this post is sincere in that they have great programs...Check it out!!

Election WooHoo!!!

So it looks like the Fire Department was instrumental in the ousting of the incumbent mayor Dan since 1920 has an incumbent mayor been ousted, the city has never had a female mayoral candidate...and a bunch of other records....So a big sign of relief is in order. Also our fire volunteer and business owner won by a large amount. So now all we have to do is wait 6-7 months to see the revenge this mayor will bestow on us...But we can handle it...we have a light at the end of the tunnel!!!! Oh and we were promised not to water flowers this year but surprisingly (lol) are doing it again after the elections.

Counting down some more....

We've been excited and depressed alternatively after hearing rumors, people backing Klein for stupid reasons, others backing VanSesson for true reasons....both of which we, as firefighters, know. However the public may or may not know. For example...the mayor was upset, and stopped us from sending 2 ambulances for serious patients.....saying it was a waste of resources (the 2nd unit was always available for other calls). Or when the mayor came to a police traffic stop and said it also was a waste of resources for more then 1 police unit to be at the scene.. Most people don't care about these posts but if you happen to live in Crown Point, should.

The Election countdown....

So the primary is approaching and Gayle VanSesson is our choice at the fire department. Not to mention Mark Schweitzer for council, one of our own firefighters . If we don't get the current mayor out, we're in for a long hard ride (see previous posts about our chief quitting because the mayor did not like what was posted on our sign in front of the station...honoring those who died on 9/11!). And if I get enough comments, I'll post some of the things the mayor has done so far to let you, the reader, decide if waht he is doing is in the best interest of the city. In the meantime, go to this YouTube link to see 1 of our music videos on a typical day at or fire department....produced totally by some of our firefighters: Crown point Music Video 2006

Look at the bottome of the page - Trillian

At the bottom of the page (besides my weather info) is a chat program I've been using for a long time called Trillian. Trillian combines all chat services into 1 so you no longer have to have Yahoo, Aim, Icq, etc running. There are several programs like this out there but I've found this to be the best. Now they've given me the privilege to be a beta tester of there newest update, Trillian Astra. I will post info as I play with it but it looks great! It will even integrate Gmail chat... Of course, do I have that many friends to chat with? I may if anyone is interested in talking to me while online...let me know...and comment often! Thanks

My Weather station info...

Go to the bottom of all the links to see my weather station live....I know...only technogeeks like myself will be interested but hey, what the heck... It's from my station on top my house through Wunderground ....The best weather site out there!!!

Go Bears...Go Colts..

It's a win-win proposition living where I do. Close enough to Chicago but in the state of Indiana. I am a Bear's fan but who cares who wins....We win no matter what! So now I should be getting some hate mail from both side....oh well... better then no mail!!