Well another 10 calls

Well another 10 calls (by the way, if you want a peek at some of our stats and other info about our department, go to http://www.cpfire.com/) . 3 back to back including a full arrest and a “man down in the street”. We get to that call and the patient can’t tell us what happened but is cover in blood from head to chest and abdomen….so being the optimist that we medics are…we first look for bullet holes…but can’t find any. We do get out of the pt that he is “very drunk” (Surprise!) and we think he got hit in the head with an unknown object by, of course, by unknown subjects…which later found to be true. He apparently cut someone off while driving (another surprise…hmmm, drinking and driving….) who then got out of the car with a baseballbat and wacked our pt in the head a few times… hence all the blood ( any cut to the head bleeds a lot!).

An on the business side, we’ve just been called to host the speaker this Saturday. We’ve known the speaker since we have both been at the same level….he has moved up ahead of us rapidly which makes us both happy and…well mad at ourselves for not doing more, quicker!... Oh well…I will never give up!!! … unless it gets too hard…..lol


With your kind of work, your eyes would seen a lot collateral damages in life.
C. Hedges said…
To paraphrase a line from Chef on Apocolyspe Now: Never get off the boat!

In this case, the lesson learned is never get out of the car after cutting someone off.
Eabha the Kiwi said…
That's messed up. My friend just got a job with the Red Crescent in Palestine, imagine that job as a paramedic!!! She was certified in british columbia canada. Imagine the bravery. She's one of my heroes!

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