Jimson and teens

So we back up a nearby community thta needed a total of at least 3 amblulances for at least 5 kids aged 12-16 that took unknown substances and were semi-conscious. We ended up not transporting but the other community had their ambulances available. I guess Jimson weed was the culprit. They were alone at home but were chatting with online with some other kids. The mom of those kids was alerted and since they lived close, went to the home and the called 911. I never even drank at that age but I may have been a sheltered,shy kid also...LOL.

Kids were hallucinating a bit but should be fine.


C. Hedges said…
Those kids remind me of my brother and his friends about 20 years ago. At one point, they were looking for frogs to like because there was a rumor that licking frogs could produce hallucinations.

I remember taking a sip of beer here and there and spending many nights on a balcony at a keg party enjoying cold fall nights when I was in college.

I never wanted to try weird plants or lick strange frogs, however.

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