Averaging 10..hopefully not today...

For the last 5 shifts we've had 10 or more calls per shift. Today we've had 3! Hopefully we won't hit on average in the last 12 hours. Pretty much routine calls today...

I have some more business calls to make this week. As much as I like my job, the politics is killing me and I have to get out of this job...We've been mandated to water flowers on the square every morning...which we have. Due to the heat of the summer (and I really think the plants aren't planted right either), the flowers are dying and we're being blamed for not watering. Now the mayor wants us to sign in when we water, who waters, and document how long we watered...and we have to have a city official go with us for the next 2 weeks to see if we're doing a good job!

Please sign up for the business so you and I can get out of our current jobs!!!!!!LOL


C. Hedges said…
Do you use a fire truck to water the plants?

It seems like a waste of resources to have paramedics watering plants. It seems that the parks department would be a better match.

Deliberate Chaos
That is a Joke!!!!
Vote the mayor out next election. Politics at its best!!!
Great read Brad and take care out there...

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