It's Morning...

I think I'll stop blogging at work..we seem to always have calls at night when I do (we emergency medical folk are a superstitious "Don't say it's 'quiet'..we're sure to be busy then!!)! Anyway we've had 4 calls after midnight with our rig handling 2. The last was someone passed out on a corner after a night of drinking, as the patient said, "lots" of alcohol. But we did get to use a word out of the movie Hitch to this patient...."Ok, Pumpkin, get up and get on the cot". He moaned something, tried to get up, and then was lifted to the cot.

And today we have a cookout for Father's day..and I could use a few Coronas to unwind....and I will (drink Coronas and unwind). I'm not a big drinker but when I know I don't have to drive anywhere, I do occasionally take advantage of that....LOL.


Eric said…
As you probably know, police dispatchers dont say the Q-word either.

Great blog, I'll be back to check in on you!

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