I Love Gadgets...

Here I am, posting from the kitchen of the fire station, wirelessly. I just got my laptop back from my step-daughter's trip to Sweden and this is my first day back at work with it. I know I'm kinda strange but I've always said for gifts, as long as it's battery operated, digital, or wireless, you can't go wrong!

We had 12 calls this shift but nothing overtaxing. A few accidents, a chest pain and a few trouble breathings...a pretty typical day and no one very serious.

And as far as the business, 1 of our team members, who works her butt off, just signed up 2 more people with a potential of 4 more. She loves the business and really wants to succeed. She, like myself, have no other alternative for retirement. I have a pension but it will pay me 60% of what I have a hard time living on now. And if I don't want to hand out carts at my local supercenter when I'm 60, my business is my only alternative, as it is for a lot of people. Do you have enough money when you retire to live as you do now?

...And why have I been ending my posts with questions recently????


Blueyes said…
It's all in the planning I guess. We all know Social Security might be in the drink but if were lucky enough to have money for it I'll be picking up one of those when I'm an old geezer plus my state retirement which I only need 5 more years in and then I want to leave this place and go get a job somewhere else and I'll still be young enough to pick up another retirement check somewhere else as well cuz I wont even be 40 when I get outta here.

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