
Showing posts from 2011

Playing with the new Blogger design...and money?

...ok...playing with the new Blogger design...well new for me...and adding some make money...well, We'll see...let me know if they're too intrusive....

Google +

I came out of blogging retirement (read: lazy) to let everyone know I have (and love) Google + !!!!!! If anyone wants to follow my antics, let me know and I'll give you an invite.... And for those that do follow this blog, I do update my Google + a bit more often...he,he,he

The "Sitting Is Killing You" Infographic Shows Just How Bad Prolonged Sitting Is - Lifehacker

The "Sitting Is Killing You" Infographic Shows Just How Bad Prolonged Sitting Is - Lifehacker
What a handy bluejay we have in our floodlight!!! I would have never thought to use wire ties to hold it all together...If only there was some duct tape available.....

What's new???

..To all of the million subscribers I have (sure...I'm the only one that looks at this but I can dream...he,he). Getting out of the Realm game on Facebook...finally.... Have been out of the Mafia game for a while.. Going to run a 5k in May (my 1st (I can't run constantly through tho whole route yet but it's only been about a week of running/walking...since last year!) I want the new Motorola Xoom...wifi... (wifi because I can tether my Android phone as needed) I want a new Android phone (my Sprint Hero is over 1 1/2 years old and am ready for a new on)....Any suggestions? So this ends my update to all 1 of you looking at this (which is me which makes this a