
Showing posts from May, 2007


Loved Bejeweled2 from for a long time..I have a palm and is the only game I use. They have like a zillion other games for a lot of platforms...check it out!!! Is this a shameless ad-like post for some type of gain? Well, yes it is (I gather points that go towards discounts on software) but this post is sincere in that they have great programs...Check it out!!

Election WooHoo!!!

So it looks like the Fire Department was instrumental in the ousting of the incumbent mayor Dan since 1920 has an incumbent mayor been ousted, the city has never had a female mayoral candidate...and a bunch of other records....So a big sign of relief is in order. Also our fire volunteer and business owner won by a large amount. So now all we have to do is wait 6-7 months to see the revenge this mayor will bestow on us...But we can handle it...we have a light at the end of the tunnel!!!! Oh and we were promised not to water flowers this year but surprisingly (lol) are doing it again after the elections.