
Showing posts from April, 2006

Example Note 2

One more experiment....sorry I'm using you, the readers, as Guinea pigs....I' activated some tag with my posts.... powered by performancing firefox

Trying something new in Firefox

I just added an extension called Perfomancing in Firefox  which lets you blog from this is my first entry using it....let me know what you think....oh you probably won't notice anything...duh...oh well...I'l let you know!!!


Yep...I'm on the fire department softball team...pitcher. Thought it would give me a little exercise and some fun. Also my stepdaughter graduates from ISU in 2 weeks and her open house is in I'll be trying to get a patio walkway put in and maybe a fence by the open house. I should have the time but not sure about the skill...oh well...I guess the Internet can help me get started!! Then New Mexico with our support team next week....I'll fill you in on all the activities as time allows. Of course, getting DVR for Dish Network hasn't helped with time...I'm a recording fool and an efficient couch potato at times!!!!!