Tuesday, July 27, 2004

A Picture Share!

A Picture from my PCS Vision Camera
Barn fire we were at...

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Don't look!!!!!!! Posted by Hello

My first post...

Ok... nothing earth-shattering...just palying right now until I expand.....Let me know if you stuble upon this and give suggestions, coments, etc. ....And now for a quick advertisement... I also own a e-commerce business. I can show you how to make some money while you're doing what your doing until you don't want to do it anymore...phew!!! Let me know if your interested... and I won't harass you 1 way or another... you want info, I'll give it to you.... You like it, great. You dont, then I won't bother you again unless you contact me...
Let's let er rip!!!!