
I'm back!!! No, just checked in after a zillion years...

hadn't been here find my blog had been hacked a bit...with foreign ads some how?..hmmm...more later

Soooooo.......2017 soon.......4 years later?

I think it's record for not posting...........but I'm here now... I've : Retired semi automated my home work part time at the job i retired from I'm sure there is more but you'll have to pry it out of me...................

Hey!!..Where did everyone go??

Ohhhhhh, I know....I haven'e been here either...sigh... I guess it's a sign of a lazy blogger...Lot's going on but just haven't sat down to put it in writing.... Ok, that's it...thanks No, no really. I'll be coming back soon. Let em know if you have any questions about this
Well hi everyone...So I'm on something new to  help me get healthier... and yes, it can be bought  from me if anyone wants to try it (Do I look like the person that never talks to you unless he has something to sell...I kinda feel like that when I post The company is  Monavie  and I'm going to concentrate on their weight loss products. They have a few other products that all deal with health nd I've had the juice before, which is awesome. So, if I'm good, I'll be posting updates when I get the product..I may even have a personal web address to sell from and give more info about without necessarily having to talk to anyone about it (even though it's recommended if you have questions). Until then, if anyone wants to jump in as a customer or distributor, my number is 3886084. So there you go....I'll keep you REALLY.....


Well Christmas was good to me....a new Keurig, Jabra Sports Bluetooth Headset,a 7 inch Rand McNally  RV GPS (we just bought a 2004 Tiffan Allegro motorhome last summer)...(already sideswiped a fire hydrant which went over well at the station).... Now if I could only get ambitious and write reviews......hmmm.......

Playing with the new Blogger design...and money?

...ok...playing with the new Blogger design...well new for me...and adding some make money...well, We'll see...let me know if they're too intrusive....